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Tooth Sensitivity Problems Are Often Linked to Enamel Erosion

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Over the course of a single day, the pervasive bacteria in your mouth, as well as the interaction with acidic foods and beverages you consume, can result in a microscopic erosion of the mineral crystals that make up your tooth enamel. If this process, which is also known as demineralization, isn’t counteracted, it can slowly weaken your tooth enamel and allow tooth decay and tooth sensitivity to develop in multiple teeth.

Even though many people struggling with tooth-sensitivity issues turn to using specially formulated toothpastes designed to mitigate the sensitivity response, it might not be the best long-term solution.

If our dentist, Dr. Richard J. Gawarzewski, suspects that your tooth-sensitivity issues are linked to enamel erosion, he might recommend a treatment strategy that includes:

-Receiving a concentrated fluoride treatment in Berlin, New Jersey

-Taking daily prescription fluoride supplements

-Using fluoride toothpaste when you brush your teeth

Fortifying the integrity of your tooth enamel with fluoride can be an effective method for reversing the underlying cause of tooth sensitivity rather than just masking the symptoms.

If you have tooth sensitivity issues and you would like to explore your treatment options, you should call our experienced dental team at 856-767-0053 to schedule an appointment.